CFFA update for July 1

CFFA update for July 1
The first update from the Nationals.  Oliver Galbraith fenced in the men’s Div 1-A foil this afternoon.  He went 1-5 in pools and, unfortunately, didn’t make the opening cut, finishing at number 124.  He did move up about a dozen positions over his initial seeding and came in ahead of a number of B rated fencers.  Next up is Erica Julien, fencing sabre on Monday.

Tomorrow (Sunday) at 10 am we will start resurfacing the floor.  Help is always appreciated.  The current plan is moving items off the floor, sanding, sweeping and mopping, and getting down a layer of lacquer tomorrow.  Painting the light blue on Monday (Time TBA).  Letting everything dry on Tuesday.  It is the 4th, anyway.  Painting the dark blue on Wednesday.  Lacquering on Thursday.  That gives us Friday as an extra day and we hope to be back up and running on Saturday.  No practice in Wilmington until we get finished.

July 7 starts the next beginner class on board Camp Lejeune.

The New Bern people will be coming back down on Saturday, July 22.

next season is starting to shape up.  The first weekend (August 5-6) is
an RJCC (Regional Junior Cadet Circuit) event in Greensboro.  That
means that this event will give regional points for the southeast US,
but being this early in the season will probably attract fencers from
all over the country in the cadet and junior age groups.  Cadet is ages
13-16 and junior is ages 13-19.  This particular one is only foil and
epee.  This makes it an excellent event for those of you in those age
groups who are looking to move up from local events.  There are also
mixed adult foil and epee, but although they will probably be strong
events will not give regional points.  Right now the adult epee looks
like it will be an A and the foil has 1 fencer.  Both sexes for cadet
and the junior women’s event have a few fencers.  The junior men’s epee
looks to become an A and the junior men’s foil might become a B.

The following week is Mid-South’s Big Blue.  Epee will almost certainly be an
A.  Sabre will be at least a B and should be an A.  Right now foil is 1 C and the rest Us.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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