Saturday practice/painting schedule

Saturday practice/painting schedule
This is the update to what will be happening over the next week as far as the club being open and our painting schedule.

We will have Saturday practice this Saturday starting at 10am.  We may also try to get a few things done so we can start the serious painting on Sunday.  (moving stuff off the floor)

Painting will start in earnest on Sunday about 10 am.  You may have to walk a bit as that is the in the middle of a service at St. Mary.  Looking at starting with prepping the floor and putting down a layer of lacquer.  Once that dries then moving on to the light blue.  We will see how far we get.  We will continue painting on Monday, time TBA. 

No practice and no painting scheduled for the 4th of July at the moment.

Wednesday and Thursday should be finishing the trim (strips) and more lacquering.  Thursday practice will be dependent on where we are, and I will let everyone know.

Should be done for certain in time to have a Saturday practice on July 8th.  The more help, the more certain that will be.

If you want to help, be sure to wear older clothes and shoes.  I don’t care how careful you are, you will get paint somewhere.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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