CFFA update for September 15

CFFA update for September 15
Things are almost back up and totally running.  This week we have Monday: afterschool, evening beginner class, and UNCW practice at UNCW.  Tuesday:  afterschool, evening beginner class, club practice.  Wednesday: homeschool, afterschool, evening beginner class, and UNCW practice at UNCW  (starting next Wednesday the 25th they will be at the club). Thursday; afterschool, evening beginner class, club practice. Friday: Surf City and Camp Lejeune

first sanctioned event of
the year will be on Saturday the 21st.  Open foil and epee, and a D and
under epee.  You have missed the original registration date, so now events are $30 for the 1st event, $20 for subsequent events.  The foil has 20 fencers and hopefully we will pull another C to make it a C1.  The epee is at 22 and needs an A to make it an A1.  The Div3 epee is at 10.  It has the rankings, but will probably not pull the numbers to make it more than an E1.

Division schedule looks to be a bit clearer at this point.  Lots going
on September 28th.  All-American in Fayetteville has a number of
unsanctioned foil events.  Charlotte Fencing Academy has a number of
unsanctioned youth epee and a sanctioned senior unrated foil event.  It looks like their
adult epee is sanctioned.  Mid -South has sanctioned Div III foil ( it has 6 bodies with a couple of Ds and Es) and
saber (13 unrated sabrists).  On Sunday, Mid-South starts their series of unsanctioned youth
sabre events.  Check out to get the details.

October 5th has Apex starting their series of unsanctioned youth foil, gender based adult foil, and mixed epee events.  Mid-South has sanctioned adult epee events split by gender on that day.

Nothing nearby for the weekend of the 12th.

The responses I received for our first under 12 event were unanimously for it being on the 19th.  Therefore, Foil at 10 am, Epee at 1:30 pm, Sabre at 3:30 pm.  For those who have not yet participated in one of these, We give trophies for each weapon to the top 3 (and ties) finishers, medals to the top 3 nine and under finishers, unless they won a trophy.  We keep a year long accumulated points standing which counts all three weapons and at the end of the season, the top ranked boy and girl will each win a sword.  We also have the fencers vote at each event for the person who shows the best sportsmanship and the fencer who wins that gets a sword.  Cost per event is $5.

Also on that date All-American is having Y10, Y12 foil and adult foil and epee.  All are unsanctioned.

On October 26th Apex is holding sanctioned foil and epee events, split by gender.  Currently, the women’s epee is small, the women’s foil is an E1.  The men’s epee is 1 B and a bunch of Es and Us.  However, the men’s foil needs a C and a couple more bodies to be an A1 event.

NCHSFL debated splitting, but decided not to.  The first event for them
for the year will be here on November 2nd.  Get ready as there should
be a lot of fencing.  As always, help refereeing will be appreciated.

The homeschool league will be meeting on October 13, so I will let people know what is up after that.

The Milwaukee NAC registration is now open until September 25th.  Junior, Cadet, and Y-14 the November 8-11 weekend.

believe the JO qualifiers are going to be November 16th.  This year the
JOs are in Columbus, Ohio.  The venue is pretty good and the
drive/flight is not too bad.  Hopefully we can have a large contingent
at the qualifiers even if not everyone makes it to JOs.

The new club jacket situation is moving.  We will soon have a mock up and a price for everyone to look at.

Again, I will start purging the email list soon.  If you want off please tell me.  If you haven’t been fencing for a while, but still want the info, also tell me.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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