dates for camps, events

dates for camps, events
Totally my fault, and I have confused people.  After asking people about times early in the year I had said the camp schedule would be:
July 8-12  beginner camp
July 15-19 advanced foil
July 22-26 advanced sabre
July 29- August 2  advanced epee
Some time later I looked at things, totally blanked that I had set some dates, and put everything a week later on the website.
July 15-19   beginner camp
July 22-26   advanced foil
July 29- August 2  advanced sabre
August 5-9  advanced epee

Let me know which dates work best for people.  No one has mentioned sabre and not much response to the beginner camp, so there should be some flexibility on my end.  But I do want to get us all on the same page as quickly as possible and realize that many of you are juggling camps around.

It does mean that people, especially those in the Y10/Y12 range need to let me know about whether they are going to Nationals, as that will affect how much time I have to drive home from Columbus.
Also, the Memorial Day weekend seems pretty booked.  If we want to do youth events it looks like it will have to be May 18th or June 8th.  We would like to do the final individual under 12 events, as well as trying to get a middle school team event.  Which works best for everyone – May 18th as the individual with June 8th as the team or vice versa?   The middle school teams are for 4th – 8th graders.  Please let me know.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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