CFFA update for July 9

CFFA update for July 9
Robert Thomas finished up our fencers at Nationals by competing in the Div III Men’s epee.  He made the cut, but lost his first DE.
Thanks to Herman Smith, Mike Kinney, Erica Julien, Omar Childers, and Kim Phillips for putting everything back to rights yesterday.  They also felted the bottom of many things so we won’t scratch the floor.  Still a couple of things to finish, but we are close enough to get back to fencing.  You should come in and see what the place looks like in pristine condition for two reasons:  One, hopefully the clouds don’t open up like they did after the last painting (or a couple of Fridays ago) and wash away all the work; and Two, it may help people to clean up after themselves if they make a mess.
We will get practice back to normal this week.  The Monday/Wednesday class will finish up.  If someone would like to fence the newest graduate ( in foil), you can show up Wednesday about 7:00 pm.  On Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 pm younger fencers can show up, 7:30 pm for the older members.  Friday night will be practice on board Camp Lejeune.  Saturday will have a practice starting at 10 am.
The beginning fencing camp starts Monday, July 17th, at 9 am and runs through Friday.  If you know anyone interested, have them contact me or they can just show up at that time.
The New Bern people will be coming back down on Saturday, July 22.  It would be excellent to have a large crowd with whom they could fence.

next season is starting to shape up.  The first weekend (August 5-6) is
an RJCC (Regional Junior Cadet Circuit) event in Greensboro.  Numbers are approximately what they have been.  You need to be registered and paid through askfred by July 30 or there is an additional $200 surcharge.

The following week is Mid-South’s Big Blue.  Epee is now an
A.  Sabre will be at least a B and should be an A.  Right now foil is 1 C and the rest Us.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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