last NAC update

last NAC update
Sorry this has taken a little while, but I am catching up from being away for the last two weekends.
Sure signs of the apocalypse: cats and dogs running wild in the streets, atonal music, Herman Smith making the top 10 at a NAC.  You’re safe, he only came in 11th.  In the Vet 50 epee pool he went 4-2, only losing to the person who won the entire event and the person who came in 10th.  He won his first couple of DEs and then lost to the person who finished 8th.  He came in ahead of a number of As and Bs.
Robert Thomas and Scott Butler both had tough pools in a very top heavy Vet 40 epee event.  Robert lost his first DE while Scott won his first one and then lost to the eventual winner, coming in 16th.
Erica Julien rounded out our NAC adventure, fencing in the Vet combined women’s epee.  She was almost certainly the oldest competitor.  She won one of her pool bouts and then lost 5-10 to a 6′ 2″ women who won a bronze at the World Championship for Veterans last year.
Last reminder about tomorrow’s tournament.  Epee seems pretty certain to be an A1 (to start) and might reach an A2.  Open foil needs bodies to be a C.  I would really like to get two more E and under foilists so there is at least the chance that someone will walk away with an E in that event.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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