CFFA update for September 8

CFFA update for September 8
Harry Shaheen traveled to Fayetteville to participate in the Lafayette foil
event.  He won his first DE, and then won his second, defeating Gerhard Guevarra 15-14.  Harry and I met in the semifinals and I came out ahead.  Harry finished third, I finished second.  Gerardo Gomez of Fayetteville won.

On Sunday I traveled to the Homeschool league meeting in Winston-Salem.  I will be sending out a not to the homeschoolers about the upcoming season, meet dates, requirements, etc.  I don’t always know who is homeschooled, so if you don’t get the e-mail and are interested, let me know.

September evening beginner class will start tonight, Monday, the 8th, at 6:30
pm and will run for 6 weeks on Monday and Wednesday.  We will start an
intermediate class, if necessary on Wednesday.  That will also be the
date (10th) that we start Wednesday evening practices back up.  The UNCW fencers won’t be coming for a couple of weeks until their club is on solid ground.

those wanting to participate in a more regional event, Fredericksburg
is again hosting the Kick-Off Open on September 13-14. They have
Division 1A and Division II events.  At this point entry is pretty expensive.

Sunday is epee and sabre at NCFDP.


first event of the season will be held on Saturday, September 20.  We
will be having Open foil, Open epee, and an E and under epee.  Please
start getting signed up on askfred so we can attract fencers from other
clubs and make these higher rated events.  Right now we need another epeeist to make that a B event.  The E and under epee is just an E1.  The foil needs a number of fencers to make it higher than an E1.

27th will be our first 12 and under event.  This one will pretty much
be just for returning fencers as the new beginners won’t be that
advanced yet.  Foil at 10 am, Sabre at 1:30 pm,  epee at 3:30 pm. 
Trophies to the top 3 and ties.  Medals to those 9 and under who do not
win a trophy.  Swords to the top male and female fencer over the course
of the year.  In addition a sword will be given to the fencer voted as
the showing the best sportsmanship.

is a busy weekend because there are adult events at Mid-South.  On the
27th they have foil and sabre.  The 28th has epee and a youth sabre. 
The 27-28th is the first RYC of the season in Richmond.  It is foil on
Saturday and epee and sabre on Sunday.  Also on Sunday are team events
at NCFDP.  They will run them in the NCFL format, first to 5 wins.  But
they plan to have enough teams to do it as a pool and then a DE

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the
battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon
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