CFFA update for July 14

CFFA update for July 14
Fun practice Saturday.  It was basically Cadet women’s foil and Vets women’s epee, with a couple of miscellaneous men. (And I am counting John Alexander as a man to get to men.)
Practice is normal this week – Tuesday and Thursday evening  I will be in if any younger fencers want to show up at 6:30 pm, then the usual evening fencing, Camp
Lejeune on Friday, and Saturday morning practice.
The first advanced foil camp starts tomorrow.  Another week of advanced foil and
then two weeks of advanced epee after that.  Let me know if you are
coming and haven’t said anything yet.
If anyone attended the referee clinic at Mid-South, let me know so we can compare notes and figure out how things will be called this season.
only individual event for next season currently up on askfred is
Mid-South’s Big Blue.  It is August 10-11 with Open foil, epee, and
sabre events divided by gender.  The foil and epee are all on Sunday so it doesn’t interfere with practice.  The women’s epee needs bodies to be a C
(Kenyatta is the top seed) and women’s foil needs bodies (we have a couple of people signed up)to be a D event.  For men the epee needs
an A (Oliver?) and one other fencer to be an A.  The foil needs a C, a D, and one other fencer to be a B event.  Strangely enough for Mid-South, the sabres events have the fewest people.
It is that time of year when people should start thinking about paying their 6 month or yearly dues by August 1.  For 6 month dues it is $175 (you save one month) and yearly is $350 (you save two months worth of monthly fees).  We just made large equipment purchases at Nationals and have to pay our yearly membership and insurance fees to USA Fencing, so cash on hand is a good thing.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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